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Camp Scholarships

Funded by the Moe and Frances Beren Family Scholarship Fund and the Loebl Family Scholarship Fund, this need-based scholarship for Jewish overnight camp is open to all students through grade 12 in Southern Arizona.


In addition to applying for this scholarship, we encourage you to seek funding from other sources (e.g.: your synagogue, the camp you applying to, or other Jewish organizations). First time campers may apply to PJ Goes to Camp (visit for details, eligibilty requirements, and to apply).


Funding is limited. Priority is given to first or second time applicants, but all are encouraged to apply.


Check back in January for summer camp scholarship opportunities in 2024.


To return application or request more information:

Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona
ATTN: Robyn Schwager
3718 East River Road, Tucson, AZ    85718